


Eight Decades

of Noteworthy

Presence . . .



Tampa Music Teachers Association (TMTA) exists to inspire musicians of all ages toward lifelong excellence through:

1) Professional Education 2) Vital Collaboration 3) Exceptional Presentation.  

TMTA lives on to champion great music!


01. Professional Education


a) The Festival b) Meetings c) Events

TMTA will host one major event per year—the Tampa Youth Festival of Music. Other programs for students and teachers are sponsored by TMTA and our affiliates—FSMTA & MTNA. Chapter meetings are kept to a minimum. Committee sessions convene when needed and members gather socially, as well.

02. Vital Collaboration

With whom?

a) Teachers b) Students c) Public

The Tampa Youth Festival of Music Call for Auditions will be issued to all Hillsborough County students via their public and private music teachers. With this signature event, TMTA will reach beyond our membership with collaborative opportunities and will promote the Festival to the community-at-large.

03. Exceptional Presentation


a) Past b) Present c) Future

TMTA cares about all three, as shown in the Tampa Youth Festival of Music. We wish to to build upon a solid foundation of quality music—to honor composers whose music has endured, to showcase today’s top-notch performers in many genres and to cultivate discriminating listeners for tomorrow.




Centuries of


Brilliance . . .

“Music is a higher revelation

than all wisdom & philosophy.”

Ludwig van Beethoven



When Tampa Music Teachers Association was founded in 1938, a first-class stamp cost $.03, a gallon of gas, $.10, and minimum wage was $.25/hour. Ball point pens made their debut that year. Kate Smith first sang Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” on the radio. But sadly, a crazed, brazen Adolph Hitler invaded Austria. Who can forget the poignant ballad, “Edelweiss,” from The Sound of Music? Its melody forever captures the awful impact of unparalleled world events.

That same year on the other side of the ocean, a Tampa woman chose to impact her world for good. Music would be her vehicle of choice. Merle Holloway served as TMTA’s first, sixth and twelfth President. She left a legacy of community service to almost 40 Executive Boards. For over three quarters of its eighty years, TMTA buzzed with activity. As one of the first local chapters of Florida State Music Teachers Association (FSMTA) and Music Teachers National Association (MTNA), members supported State Conferences, committees, concerts and competitions. Then, the slow, downward trend began. A dedicated leader was hard to come by. No one wanted more responsibility than“acting” President. Fond memories dwindled, membership declined, and motivation nearly disappeared. TMTA had money in the bank but no one to take the helm.

In spite of the grim scenario, TMTA retained many notables among its members—including pianists Olga Kuehl-White, Leonidas Lipovetsky and Vladimir Khokhlov—who have been active concert performers and teachers into their senior years. However, if not for the tenacity of long-term Treasurer, Violet Mandese (a retired Hillsborough County Music Teacher), TMTA would have died on the vine without a full Board. Feisty Violet did not give up. Seeking help from a Tampa colleague, she issued an SOS. The distress call reverberated to a small band of yet-unaffiliated music teachers, who came to the rescue and joined the chapter.

The situation turned around when acclaimed concert pianist from the University of Tampa, Dr. Grigorios Zamparas, agreed to serve as President. Others signed up with him to form a new Executive Board. Together, they pledged to preserve “TampaMTA” in the state and national archives. With Grigori’s unpretentious oversight and his strong ties in the community, TMTA nearly doubled in size. A major milestone occurred when TMTA received 501c3 Nonprofit Group Exemption Number 3539 under Music Teachers National Association (MTNA).

Thus, the vision was born to launch a countywide Tampa Youth Festival of Music!



Pursuing a Future of

Trustworthy Resilience!
